Common injuries caused by technology and how to avoid them

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Excessive use of technology can also be detrimental, causing everything from repetitive stress injuries to migraines.
Excessive use of technology can also be detrimental, causing everything from repetitive stress injuries to migraines.

Technology; it’s stopped being surprising for its sheer ability to be what we never imagined it could be.

We work with it, play with it, drive it, and live with it on a daily basis and each time technology evolves, we simply suspend our disbelief a little higher. Largely speaking, technology makes our lives easier and our businesses more productive. But its excessive use can also be detrimental, causing everything from repetitive stress injuries to migraines. Here are some common technology-related injuries and ways to reduce the risk.

Deep vein thrombosis

Long periods of inactivity at a computer or working a static machine, especially when seated, can lead to deep vein thrombosis, a form of clotting which causes serious and prolonged pain in the legs. While the condition tends to get most exposure through long haul air flights, the principal problem is the same for anyone sitting still for long periods – office workers, forklift drivers and any other machine operators. Anyone working for long periods in the same position should take regular breaks - stand up and walk around; even do some exercises.

Repetitive strain injury (RSI)

It’s hard to believe that something as passive as clicking a mouse could lead to long term injury, but any limited and repeated action – typing, lifting and clicking – can cause RSI damage to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Again, regular breaks and flexing and minimise the risk. Incorrect technique and bad posture can also exacerbate the onset of RSI, so ensure all workers are trained in the correct methods and are sitting with good posture, preferably in an ergonomically designed seat. 

Computer vision syndrome (CVS)

Otherwise known as eye fatigue, CVS is caused by extended and repeated computer use. While eye strain itself isn’t serious and can be rectified through rest, long term computer use can have a detrimental effect on eyesight in both kids and adults. To minimise the risks, restrict usage to no more than two hours at a time and take regular breaks.

Mobile phone sickness

We all have them and most of us use them for work as well as play. We carry them with us wherever we go and along the way they pick up whatever is in the air, on surfaces and on our hands. We then put them to our ear and our mouth. No wonder researchers are now calling mobile phones a definite health risk and a carrier of all kinds of potential bacteria. Cleaning mobile phones regularly with a dry cloth can reduce the chances of contamination.

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